Sunday, March 30, 2008

april fools pranks!!!!!!

muahahahahahah! tomorrow on the first of april we will be able to pull pranks and jokes to our families! I've got afew that you could use and a website.

1. if you look on the bottom of you mouse you will see an optical eye that flashes. put a sticky note of paper on it and the mouse will automatically not be able to move. remember to write 'april fools' on the piece of paper.
2. Use a pin to make a few small holes in a plastic disposable cup. Offer a drink to the victim and watch while the liquid dribbles out onto their shirt!
3.Find a scrap of cloth. Place a dollar on the floor and stay nearby. When the victim comes by and bends down to pick up the dollar, rip the cloth loudly. Most people will reach back to see if they ripped their pants. One of the original classic April Fool's pranks of all time!
for llllllooooooooaaaaaadddddsssss more april fools pranks visit this website.:
if you have any other april fools jokes or pranks please put them on here, once you have pulled the pranks comment back here and tell me how they went! remember, it's not my fault if you get in trouble, AND dont do pranks to your school friends after 12:00 but you can with your parents! i hope that helped you. bye


IM A ROOM5IAN said...

Wow, cool pranks! i used to do some like putting soap on other peoples toothbrushes! hehe..

can i please have some clues on who you are? sorry, its just you seem to know who i am but i dont really know who you are....

Kitty Milo said...

i came into your class to get a gold card today and I don't have black hair

mudpies02 said...

good ideas!! It's past 12:00 now though....

Roo said...

I did the mouse one to my Dad and he was trying all these ways to fix it. Then I said there may be something wrong with the sensor so he picked up the mouse looked underneath and saw it said April Fools.

Hehe :)

Kitty Milo said...

hah! funny!!!!!!! then what did your dad do?

mudpies02 said...

I wanna try the mouse one!!! It'll be kinda late though.....

Kitty Milo said...

oh well, instead of writing april fools on the sticky thing you could write revenge or gotcha or somthing random like that.....

IM A ROOM5IAN said...

ahh, does your name start with M? what netball team are you in?

Kitty Milo said...

im in 7b :-(
sad aye. lol. u can c a pic of me by going to my other blog : and scroll down to the farming statue and yeh!

Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...

This is so funny! I am definitely going to try this out as soon as I get off in ten minutes!